“Jesus taught with stories and Bert Montgomery imitates Him brilliantly in this book. Get prepared to laugh, cry and learn in a book that will make your day.”
Professor Emeritus, Eastern University
"I admire Bert because he writes about spiritual matters in worldly terms. If that seems like a contradiction, you might want to pull out your New Testament and read the parts in red ink … Bert and I are both misfits and we’re both drawn to misfits – particularly the One with all that red ink in the New Testament."
author of Skydog: The Duane Allman Story
(taken from Randy's foreword to Psychic Pancakes & Communion Pizza)
"Bert Montgomery does what Jesus did: grounds faith in the earthly, the real, the tactile. I wish they'd recorded some of Jesus' funny, off-hand lines, but I'm grateful that we've got a bunch of Bert's best to make faith life-giving and fun."
Pastor, Highland Baptist Church
Louisville, KY
"(Bert Montgomery) loves the world that John's Gospel tells us God loves -- with all of it's great music, interesting people and delighful food, not the least of which being pancakes and pizza. ... Bert hears (God's grace) in country songs, prayerful funeral durges and rowdy music to wake the dead, he sees it on the big and little screens, reads it in the tired eyes and sighs of his dinner companions. I hear it there too, and here in these "Psychic Pancakes." Can we get more syrup over here?"
Sr. Pastor of David's United Church of Christ
rock critic and music fan at ucc.org/news